First Nations Salmon with Raven Motif

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First Nations Salmon with Raven Motif


Red cedar First Nations Salmon Panel has a Raven motif inside the larger design. Measures 22 X 8, priced at $425.

Raven and Salmon are two main figures in Northwest Coast native mythology, and have had long relationship with many meaningful adventures together. This piece features very precise workmanlike carving and gorgeous painted details in red, white, and black.

The artist is a member of a large and well-known family of artists from the Coast Salish (Squamish) First Nation of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada.

The Raven

Mischievous and curious, the Raven plays many important roles in Pacific Northwest Coast Culture. For some, he symbolizes creation, transformation, knowledge, prestige as well as the complexity of nature and the subtlety of truth. He also symbolizes the unknown and shows that every person sees the world in a different way. The Raven was often called upon to clarify truths in visions, as the wise elders knew that what the eye sees is not always the truth.

The Salmon

The Native Salmon Symbol symbolizes abundance, fertility, prosperity and renewal. For thousands of years, Salmon have been the primary food source for Northwest Coast Native Americans and are highly respected.